Is something in life holding you back?

Are you ready to live the life YOU want?

Transforming lives...Rapidly

Anxiety, Stress, Phobias, Weight Problems, ​Confidence, Childhood Problems and much more...

Emma Carter

RTT Practitioner

Telephone: 07902 593820

‘The road to Freedom and Empowerment begins here...’

What is RTT?

Rapid Transformational Therapy (RTT) is a distinctive form of therapy utilising the best elements of powerful and proven techniques. These include Neuro-Linguistic Programming (NLP), Cognitive Behaviour Therapy (CBT), Psychotherapy and Hypnotherapy.

Flying Bird Outline

RTT finds the root cause of an issue, rather than simply dealing with the behaviour/emotion itself. By understanding it’s ​origin, RTT Practitioners investigate and interpret the meaning we attach to past events. This enables any limiting beliefs to ​be corrected. The subconscious mind knows the real truth even if we don’t. It identifies deeply buried (often since ​childhood) causes of barriers to happiness, replacing them with powerful, positive beliefs.

We spend so much time and money trying to make ourselves happy with holidays, cars, clothes, even cosmetic surgery, but there is more to being happy than meets the eye. The truth is that our minds are more powerful than we can imagine and are often neglected in our pursuit of happiness. Investing in ourselves and our own mental health creates a life of love and abundance that comes from within.

RTT successfully treats most issues in just one session. Additional sessions may occasionally be required for more complex ​issues. RTT works online or Face-to-Face meaning distance is no barrier and can take place from the comfort of your own ​home with equally powerful results.

RTT successfully helps with;







Public Speaking

Skin Conditions

Obsessive Comp. Disorder

Childhood Problems

Weight Problems




Money Blocks

And more...

Call/text 07902 593 820

Frequently Asked Questions

What does it involve?

Flying Bird Outline

Following your initial enquiry and brief chat, we will arrange to have a 20-30 minute online/telephone call to discuss the problem in detail, ​discuss how it is affecting your life and talk about what you want/need from the session. We will discuss what life would look like for you ​without the problem and address any questions or concerns you may have.

The RTT session itself will be 90 minutes to 2 hours. You will be guided throughout and we will find the root cause under hypnosis, interpret the ​meaning and reframe outdated beliefs you may have formed. We will be talking throughout the session. It is easy and you will be in a safe ​place.

After the RTT session you will be given a 15-20 minute personalised Transformation Recording. You need to listen to this for at least 21 days. ​This ensures the 5% critical mind does not undo the work done with the 95% subconscious mind.

I will personally check-in with you regularly to discuss progress.

Can I get ‘stuck’ in hypnosis?

No. You have complete control the whole time. You can talk, move your body, get a tissue etc. Your subconscious will only accept suggestions that are true and that are ​right and I cannot make you do anything the subconscious disagrees with. We are simply addressing old, negative beliefs and installing new helpful beliefs.

Hypnosis is similar to the relaxed state we feel just as we are about to drift into sleep, although it is not sleep, it’s just a sleep of the nervous system. Some people don’t ​even feel like they are in hypnosis until they come out. Simply expect to feel relaxed and at ease. This enables us to bypass the ‘thinking’ mind and access the ​subconscious mind that has all the answers.

What if I don’t want to go back to painful scenes/events?

It is important to remember that you are not ‘reliving’ scenes, you are only ‘reviewing’ scenes and you are safe. I will support you and create a safe space for you to ​express your emotions and heal.

Latest Testimonials

“Only a few days after an RTT hypnosis done with Emma Carter, the only thing I could say is that it has been an ​amazing experience. She was so calm, yet so professional and she coordinated everything so precisely...I feel so much ​lighter and lots of things have made sense to me.”

S.M. Canada, 2024

“I had a very effective session with Emma. She has a very pleasant and calm manner and thanks to her hypnotherapy I was ​able to quickly recognise and transform the cause of my blockages. Afterwards I felt relaxed and refreshed at the same time. ​I now feel so much more confident and ready to step out of my comfort zone and explore new avenues.

I can recommend Emma to anyone who wants an effective yet quick transformation.

You are so great, dear Emma, thank you so much!”

C.S. Germany, 2024

“Now I’m a truly changed person! (My husband is VERY pleased!) No more swearing at the pc, no more upset over what ​other people do. No more doing things that I don’t really want to do. I am calmer, more tolerant and definately a more ​peaceful, happier person.”

K.B. UK, 2024

Latest Testimonials (more)

“Thank you so much for our sessions - I wish to thank you from the bottom of my heart - I have never felt so light!

I feel I have put all my fears regret and guilt finally to rest.”

V.S. UK, 2024

“It is my pleasure to know you too and I am very grateful...It’s so kind of you and now I understand some of my ​behaviour...Thank you very much for your kindness...You are an amazing therapist...!”

E.E. UK, 2024

“This was my first ever therapy session so I was nervous and unsure what to expect.

Emma was incredibly professional and immediately put me completely at ease and talked me through the whole process.

I felt extremely comfortable, relaxed and open as Emma guided me through the session.

My reason for therapy was quite niche which Emma had clearly taken the time to understand to ensure the session was as ​effective as possible.

I would not hesitate in using Emma again or recommending her services”

K.G. UK, 2024

Contact/Useful links

Emma Carter, RTTP, C.Hyp.

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07902 593 820

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